Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Green Tale

Rising through dirt,
Growing in unbearable conditions,
This are the lives of our fair nature,
Like a candle glimmering in the night,
Only to show it's allure and glory for a limited amount of time,
They may know that their lives are close to an end,
Or perhaps they do not know anything at all,
But they are certain,
They have strive in the harshest condition to live,
Whether it is to provide the shade and habitat to the animals,
Whether it is to be eaten by us for dinner,
This plants will never give up,
They will always grow and grow,
If you were to leave them,
They will still grow unattended,
Their goals are unknown,
Their accomplishments are uncertain,
But there is something certain,
Evident, Guaranteed, Indubitable, Undoubted, Unambigous, Unmistakable,
That they will always persist and continue to live,
As living life itself is the meaning of life.

Inspired by: Nature
Dedicated to: Life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.